The Wavedroid project running for a long time has finally shown some results. But the porting process is still not over yet and needs some time.The picture shown below shows us that they have used the Samsung Galaxy S Firmware to Port Android on Wave.
Initially, the news about "running on Android Wave" appeared on the resource , which has served as a source of information. While the topic of the resource was literally a few messages, not to clarify the current status of the project, and therefore it was decided to rely on information, the Brazilian counterpart.
As it turned out, the information about the successful launch of Android at the Wave was false. At the moment the team still working on the loader, and seeks the necessary software (specifically - interactive disassembler IDA Pro versions 5.7 and above, which supports the ARM architecture, 7). Once they get software, and end up working with the loader, will be tested, for which pre-invited (-were) all want .
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