All the data in laptops or computers are stored in hard disk. In normal condition the data stored inside the hard disk will remain forever unless someone delete it. The purpose of the hard disk is to store data permanently. If the data want to be processed, it goes to the Random Access Memory first and then processed in the processor. After the processing activity finish, the data then taken back to the hard disk. We can store all type of data inside the hard disk, starts from text format, graphic format, audio format and even video. For audio and video format, the bigger the size of the data the better the quality is.
The other form of storage system is memory card or flash card, this type of storage system usually used for smaller gadgets like digital cameras and cellular phones. In this type of storage system, the concept is quite the same with hard disk but the size is all smaller. The capacity is also different, flash memory has size less than 100GB but hard disk can be more than 1TB. Although both types are designed to store data permanently, still there is a chance of data loss.
The data loss can be caused by many things, for example flood, lightening strikes, mechanical failure, mechanical damage, virus, user sabotage and static electricity. Now with the power of technology, you do not have to worry about data loss, because all type of data loss for computers, laptops, servers and even digital cameras can be recovered. One of the companies that provide data recovery service for all the data in your hard disk and flash memory is Data Recovery Group. In the website, you can find solutions for any of your problem related to data loss. If you have mac and you lost your data, you can just simply go to the mac section and search for mac data recovery or for those who have servers and loss their data this company also provide server data recovery services.
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