T-Mobile launches Visual Voicemail app for Android! has been hard at work to bring Visual Voicemail to its Android smartphone user-base. The first wireless carrier to offer an Android smartphone has released a new Android app that finally makes Visual Voicemail a possibility. The app is now available as part of T-Mobile�s AppPack. Similar to the iPhone, Visual Voicemail on Android allows users to see voicemails in an inbox, complete with time of the call and the caller�s contact info.
The Visual Voicemail Android app is available, free of charge, through the Android Market. But, you�ll have to make a slight change to your T-Mobile Android data plan. Before downloading the app, you need to dial �611? on your T-Mobile G1 and ask the customer service rep to enable Visual Voicemail. Then, simply download the app and allow it to sync with your new Visual Voicemail settings.
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