Apple boldly advertises the slogan "It just works", but Apple has its share of issues just like any other tech company. Among the recent problems included Mac display issues (which have been ongoing for over a year) and iPhone signal issues (also a year old problem).
Now another familiar problem has been reported. Apple's hot new iPhone is not just getting hot figuratively, it's getting hot literally. Reports of Apple's handsets turning toasty and colorizing from white to a toasty brown or rosy pink have been widely reported.
Reportedly, the phones are more likely to overheat when playing games or using the GPS. The iPhone 3G S packs a much faster CPU and graphics processor than its predecessor, a likely source of the heating issues. However, Apple thus far has denied the reports and refused to comment that there is a problem with the handsets.

Apple takes the heat Apple gradually reserve the slogan but made serious consequenses with other tech companies. The iPhone 3G S packs a much faster CPU and graphics processor than its predecessor, a likely source of the heating issues. However, Apple thus far has denied the reports and refused to comment that there is a problem.
This kind of word might be priced at everyone’s attention. How could i learn more? the phones will overheat any time doing offers or even while using GPS DEVICE. The particular i phone 3G Azines packages some sort of considerably faster PC and design cpu compared to their forerunner, some sort of most likely way to obtain the home heating concerns.
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