The iPhone OS v3.0 officially launched last week. Among the many improvements was beefed up security. Along with encryption and a remote wipe option, the phone features a promising security tool called "Find my iPhone" that lets users track their lost iPhone and potentially confront the crook or crooks who took it.
The key weakness to the feature (and the remote wipe) is that it can be easily disabled by removing the SIM card, if the iPhone thief is that clever. However, as the average episode of Cops shows you, many criminals are less than clever.
Already reports have emerged of iPhone users recovering their lost phones with the feature. A LiveJournal user named Kevin (LJ s/n happywaffle) posted a blog bragging of such a confrontation. He writes:
Last night, after seeing Second City improv, we ate at a pleasantly sketchy dive bar in uptown Chicago, where the food was mediocre and the characters were questionable. I definitely had my iPhone while at our table, and I definitely did NOT have it (whoops!) when we were 100 feet down the street.[via Daily Tech]
I raced back into the bar, not even particularly concerned, but it was gone like baby. In less than five minutes, with very few people in the small place, my beloved JesusPhone had managed to vanish into a black hole. Our waitress was sympathetic, and I left a number, but I was immediately glum about my prospects of seeing it again.
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