OS v3.0 coming in June, will bring MMS, Copy Cut and Paste, turn by turn directions (third party), FM radio (third party, hardware), push notifications, and landscape email
Apple, struggling amid a rough economy continues to look to the iPhone as its brightest sales star. Today Apple announced the new version of its iPhone OS, version 3.0 at a special presentation to the press.
At the start of the presentation, Apple lauded the iPhone's performance pointing out that it is now sold in 80 countries. Stated presenter, Greg Joswiak, "Before we shipped our first phone, we set an aggressive goal -- we said we'd sell 10 million phones. And we sold 13.7m. We blew it away. We've sold 17m altogether, you can see how people have accepted the 3G. But the touch also runs the same OS, and if you look at the time period, we've sold over 30m units of iPhones and iPod touch."
Apple also plugged the development community, saying that it has received 800,000 SDK download requests and has 50,000 companies and individuals working on developing Apps. Apple defended its track record of approvals, which has received a lot of attention of late, saying that it approved 96 percent of submitted Apps, rejecting a mere 4 percent.
Read the whole article @ Daily Tech
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