I'm not entirely convinced the Dev Team met its New Year's Eve iPhone 3G unlock deadline but it's here now...
Dubbed 'yellowsn0w' (don't eat it) the application version is 0.9.1 meaning the elite hacking group hasn't quite had the faith to pull it out of beta at this stage still early reports are it does what it says on the tin.
For the uninitiated that means yellowsn0w is the first software unlock to open up the iPhone 3G handset for use with any network and will work with the latest 2.2 firmware - in fact, it only works with this edition as it requires the latest 02.28.00 baseband to operate.
Though completely removable through Cydia, the command line and iTunes be warned at this stage there are no niceties, such as a GUI, so newbies might like to steer clear for now. The Dev Team also issues the following warning:
"The iPhone 3G is used all over the world with all sorts of SIM cards, and we almost certainly will see untested and unexpected situations. If the soft unlock doesn't work for you on day 1 (literally day 1, of 2009!) then please don't panic or be impatient. This is new territory for everyone, so enjoy the ride as much as you can :)"
Read the whole article @ Trusted Reviews
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