Age of Empires III Mobile
RAR | 1.8MB | JAVA | 800x352, 352x416, 320x240, 240x320, 176x208 screen size
It's the dawn of a new age in immersive real-time strategy with the return of the top-selling Age of Empires franchise. As the Knights of St. John, explore the New World as you build and conquer rival colonies in pursuit of the ultimate empire. Jump into skirmish mode or defend Western Europe from the invading Ottoman Empire in an extended campaign mode which is a prequel to the AoE3 PC game.
* Use battle strategy and resource management to conquer rival colonies and build the ultimate empire
* Two gameplay modes including Campaign and Skirmish modes
* Use experience points gained in battle to obtain support cards from the home city for extra resources
* 15 Campaign levels, 11 different units, with multiple upgrades available.
* 8 different buildings throughout 3 different Ages
* Control system designed to make RTS games intuitive to play on mobile, including a pause and command mode
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