We decided to create our very own picture-word-picture fugue on this post. As a way of showing real-time blogging to bloggers and others. Just finished walking around Denver. It's a remarkably condensed area, with people flooding the tiny downtown in preparation for going to the different convention events. 16th street is a nice little shopping area, full of people trying to make a buck off hope, i mean a certain presidential candidate. We walked over to union station, and saw a large tent full of cameras, with the anchor sitting with her back to an audience of largely aging people wearing various T-shirts promoting their causes, the cameras moved so fast over them that it was tough to imagine any of the messages actually making it through. We walked by the unimpressive "big-tent" of the bloggers, with ads all over it and no access for us "unlicensed" bloggers. We are now sitting in an area close to the pepsi center, but not within the free-speech zone, waiting to see if we can get credentials to get onto the floor of the convention.
After talking to Telemundo this morning and getting curiously emotional about the journey to get here, actually being here seems anti-climactic, so many people are trying to get everybody's attention that all messages just fade into the jumbled cacophony of sound and flyers. We are still working on the video dispatches, having settled down into a comfy apartment way on the outskirts of Denver, it finally gives me a chance to look through the video and see what we have gone through. It breaks your heart and fills youwith hope at the same time. Working on the video of Father Paul from Postville, I had to just stop a number of times and walk away from the computer. It will be up tonight.

Meanwhile, the strange loop closes and a new
one begins as i see myself blog through a friends camera lens, it all comes back to the same page.
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