January 2, 2007
Jews Murder Christian Babies at Sea
Jews have been the driving force behind legalizing abortion in (formerly) Christian countries, such as the United States, France, England, Canada, et al. But in some Western nations, the people still have a modicum of common sense, and refuse to allow Jews to get rich performing their favorite pastime: Jewish ritual killing of Christian babies.
The Jews were obviously frustrated by their inability to practice infanticide in every country of the West. However, the people who invented the word chutzpah were not going to let quaint things like laws, morals, or respect for life get in the way of their fun. As expected, they came up with the perfect solution to satisfy their infanticidal needs: abortion ships that dock in countries where abortion is illegal. Kind of like riverboat casinos anchored permanently on the Mississippi, circumventing anti-gambling laws in the surrounding states.
This article from Life News states:
The ending of the article provides more evidence of the true motivation behind their maritime endeavors:
Let�s see now: Poland, Argentina, Ireland and Portugal. What do these countries have in common?
Argentina, by the way, is an extremely sophisticated South American country. And no one considers Portugal, Poland or Ireland third-world countries. So the problem can�t be poverty or over-population.
Only in a post-Catholic world could people be dumbed-down enough to pay for the privilege of allowing their children to be used in Jewish ritual killings. And they don�t even reimburse us for the sanguinary additive to their matzo balls!
Reference Google Search "The Abortion Ship":
Jews Murder Christian Babies at Sea
Jews have been the driving force behind legalizing abortion in (formerly) Christian countries, such as the United States, France, England, Canada, et al. But in some Western nations, the people still have a modicum of common sense, and refuse to allow Jews to get rich performing their favorite pastime: Jewish ritual killing of Christian babies.
The Jews were obviously frustrated by their inability to practice infanticide in every country of the West. However, the people who invented the word chutzpah were not going to let quaint things like laws, morals, or respect for life get in the way of their fun. As expected, they came up with the perfect solution to satisfy their infanticidal needs: abortion ships that dock in countries where abortion is illegal. Kind of like riverboat casinos anchored permanently on the Mississippi, circumventing anti-gambling laws in the surrounding states.
This article from Life News states:
The pro-abortion group typically anchors the boat in international waters, where the nation�s laws don�t apply. There, abortion activists are free to do abortions, give women the dangerous RU-486 abortion drug or hand out the morning after pill.Jewess Rebecca Gomperts, foundress of Women on Waves (Jewish Murderers at Sea), will be sailing down to Argentina in 2007, after being roundly rejected there in 2004. One wonders what could motivate such �humanitarian� tenacity? Perhaps we can discern her motivation by examining the countries in which she chooses to conduct her �works of mercy�. You can catch the hint right here:
The crew � tried to sail for the Portuguese shore � in September 2004 but the Catholic country�s top officials called on a naval vessel to block the ship and prevent it from docking at a harbor in the northern part of the country.Bitch-slapped out of Portugal, Gomperts must have been despondent at the thought of all those live babies in utero, threatening to be born intact. But she quickly put on her Talmudic thinking-cap, conspired with her tribesmen, and got to speak on Portuguese television. This is my favorite part. It tells you all you need to know about the Jewish mindset:
Although the abortion ship failed to distribute any abortion drugs to Portuguese women, Gomperts appeared on a television talk show and instructed women on how to purchase an ulcer drug at pharmacies and misuse it to produce an abortion.So, not content simply to murder babies on shore in most Christian countries, Jews now troll the high seas, seeking out babies who might otherwise escape the kosher cuisinart. Why not give free abortions in Haifa or Brooklyn, one is tempted to ask? But the answer to that would be obvious to anyone with cajones enough to call a spade a spade - or a Jew a Jew, as it were.
The ending of the article provides more evidence of the true motivation behind their maritime endeavors:
The abortion boat traveled to Poland in 2003 and Ireland in 2001.They deliberately choose countries in which to kill en masse their most hated, historical enemies, extirpating those genes forever. According to the Geneva Conventions, this is known as �genocide�. But then, that term only applies to Jewish victims, even when said �genocide� never actually occurred.
Let�s see now: Poland, Argentina, Ireland and Portugal. What do these countries have in common?
Argentina, by the way, is an extremely sophisticated South American country. And no one considers Portugal, Poland or Ireland third-world countries. So the problem can�t be poverty or over-population.
Only in a post-Catholic world could people be dumbed-down enough to pay for the privilege of allowing their children to be used in Jewish ritual killings. And they don�t even reimburse us for the sanguinary additive to their matzo balls!
Reference Google Search "The Abortion Ship":
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