Opera Mini 4.1 lets you have the full Web everywhere. This newest release includes several new features, including automatic completion of Web addresses, making it easier to get to the sites you need; tools for attaching files to Web-based email; uploading photos to your blog or other site; downloading attachments from email for storage on your phone; and saving and viewing pages offline.
New in Opera Mini 4.1
Now even faster
Prior to this release, we upgraded our servers and Opera Mini now receives your requested Web pages up to 50% faster. So you can now access sites like Facebook, BBC, and any of your other favorite Web sites even faster, with Desktop-like speeds.
Find things faster
The new Opera Mini 4.1 lets you search for text within a Web page so you can get to the information you need even quicker than before.
Get to your Web sites faster
When typing Web addresses, Opera Mini 4.1 will recognize and suggest completions for you based on your bookmarks and browsing history, making address input faster, easier and much more intuitive.
Download and upload files
On phones with JSR-75, you can now upload and download files using Opera Mini 4.1, without being re-routed to your phone�s native browser. Update your blog while on the go. Upload photos to your Web site or social network. Add attachments easily to Web-based email, and download other non media-rich content to your phone using Opera Mini 4.1.
Save it for later
On phones with JSR-75, Opera Mini 4.1 lets you save pages for offline viewing so you can quickly access and read your desired Web content, even when you�re on a plane, in the subway, or in other places where you can�t get network reception. Depending on your phone, you may need to choose a destination folder for storing pages for offline viewing.
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