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Talk about addictive. Free iPhone game Tap Tap Revenge has an instantly-familiar interface to anyone who's ever played Guitar Hero or Rock Band. Supplied music tracks play in the background, and colored dots rain down from the top of the screen to the bottom. When the dots intersect the white bar along the bottom of the screen, you have to tap the dot. When an arrow scrolls down, you have to jerk the phone to the left, right, or down, depending on the arrow, as if tapping an invisible object.
There are four difficulty levels, with Extreme foisting a literal shower of dots down upon you. Tilting the phone doesn't register with the same degree of accuracy as tapping, though, making the tilting bits an exercise in frustration. It would be nice if there were a screen-based option that could take the place of moving the phone, such as tapping at the edges of the screen.
Read the whole article @ Washington PostMichael Rush, the museum�s director, was greeted with applause as soon as he stepped to the microphone but had a dire prognosis for the museum.
�The Rose is over,� he said. �The Rose as we�ve known it is over.�
Even if there were hope of saving the museum, no donors would be willing to give money or art after what has unfolded this week, he said.
"If it cannot afford to maintain and exhibit its collection, we urge Brandeis University to seek another steward of it. There are many fine museums in the region capable of caring for these works, even on a temporary basis, while the university explores other options. In choosing an alternate solution to the sale and irrevocable loss of the collection that was entrusted to its care, the university would serve as a role model for its students, faculty and community."
iSteam features an incredible graphics engine that renders foggy, wet overlays on top of any image from your iPhone's library with astounding realism. But it isn't just the graphics itself, it's the clever use of iPhone's user interface and sensors that earned this application such a huge following.
For start, you can press your finger against iPhone's touchscreen to draw shapes, which wipes out moisture and reveals your image underneath. It also provides real-time feedback with a finger squeaking sound. The jaw-dropping effect perfectly mimics real-life drawing on a steamy window and simply begs to be tried. You can also leave the image in tact to see realistic droplets form and leave marks as they fall down the screen. Turn the handset upside down and droplets change the falling direction accordingly. When you draw an image, you can email it to someone, or shake the handset to clear the screen and start over (like an Etch-a-Sketch).
"The Rose represented a critically important aspect of the American Jewish identity. How sad that a board blinded by fear would act so foolishly. I hope that Michael Rush, Lois Foster, John Lee and all their friends in the American art community, will continue to raise their collective voices in opposition to this bone-headed decision. It is both stupid and wrong in so many ways.
As ICA director in the 1980's I was always thrilled to visit the Rose, and see the lively exhibition program, and its unique and important collection. The Rose is a vital part of the New England cultural ecology, and its disappearance will impoverish the region and the nation. "
"At Brandeis University, the Philistines are not just at the gate but are actually running the institution."
To install these games on your iPhone or Touch, go to the iTunes App Store from on the main screen by clicking on the �App Store� icon, search for the name of the game you�d like to install, and then tap on the �install� button to begin the installation process. It�s easy!
Games are in alphabetical order.
Aero Guitar Free - This iPhone/iPod Touch version of the popular console game Aero Guitar is packed with fun features and gameplay. Tap, flick, or shake you iPhone into becoming the best Air guitar player. It lets you compete with other Aero Guitar player through an online ranking system.
Audi A4 Driving Challenge - The game is all about precision and timing as you manoeuvre the car using the iPhone or iPod Touch�s accelerometer through a course of cones. It features three achievements per level, as well as cool unlockable cars.
Billiards Lite � This game features 3D animation and real-life physics. It will certainly earn the interest of loyal virtual pool players. It features different billiard games that you can play on your iPhone or iPod Touch. You can play on your own or challenge a friend via the Internet.
BlackBeard Assault Lite - This is a unique game, which can hook you into hours of play. The object is to remove a group of similar balls as they travel along a path. You can remove a group of three balls or more when you match them and fire shots to remove the balls.
"Research In Motion and their Blackberry is a Canadian Company and Apple is a pure American Company," the insider said. "It makes sense to support an American Company as opposed to a foreign product during the economic downturn," the Apple executive added.
The move comes as Research In Motion stands to get massive global brand awareness.
Despite legal and security hurdles, president-elect Barack Obama intends to keep his beloved Blackberry when he moves into the White House this week. Interviewed by CNN, Obama said the smartphone was among the tools that he would use to stay in touch with "real Americans" to avoid becoming trapped inside the presidential "bubble".
"My assumption is that anything I write in an e-mail could end up being on CNN," he said. "So I make sure to think before I press 'send'."
Obama did not divulge just how he will overcome legal constraints, given the requirement of the Presidential Records Act to keep a record of every White House communication.
The mobile device dilemma may have inadvertently been solved on Friday.
Obama's Blackberry fell from his belt when he left his limo to board his plane in Washington. A Secret Service agent hurried to pick up the pieces.
everyone assumes that iJiggles is strictly a boob app. It is of course the first thing everyone does with it and it does it well, but it�s designed so you can have fun with it on any picture.Indeed, version 1.1 will include: Smoother and Faster Animations, new �Inflate� feature to further enhance parts of your photos, multitouch interactivity, saving and loading.
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts
�What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?�
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