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I'm thrilled to share the news that developers from over 70 countries submitted 1,788 entries to the Android Developer Challenge!
Here are a few facts that I thought were interesting. When we announced the Android Developer Challenge back in January, developers started submitting entries right away but it wasn't until the April 14 deadline approached that the flood really began. The rate of submissions spiked in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, reaching as high as 170+ submissions per hour.
What I find truly amazing is how global the interest in the challenge has been. Developers from the United States submitted one-third of the total applications while the rest came from countries such as Germany, Japan, China, India, Canada, France, UK, and many others. The entries are also very diverse representing many application areas, from games to social-networking applications, to utilities, to productivity and developer tools, and many more. On behalf of the Open Handset Alliance, I want to thank everyone who has submitted entries to the challenge. We look forward to reviewing all of them.
Now that the applications are in, over 100 judges will soon receive judging packets and laptops that we've preloaded with all the submissions, for a consistent, fair environment to judge the submissions. The majority of the judges are from member companies of the Open Handset Alliance, in addition to non-alliance mobile industry experts who have all graciously volunteered their time. I'd like to thank these judges too for all the time they will be putting into this.
In May, we'll be informing the 50 Semi-finalists who will be awarded $25,000 each. Until then, the team and I will have our hands full.
"The best way to watch Pangea Day is not just as a normal TV show or web-stream. It should be watched as a community event. We want the sense of the great global village gathering around a campfire. We already know of more than a thousand self-organized screenings taking place in homes, clubs, and movie theaters. We expect thousands more come May 10.
As many of you know, the day is the result of the combined efforts of countless TED supporters around the world, inspired by the TED Prize wish of film-maker Jehane Noujaim. She dreamed of a day when people around the world could share the the same film experience at the same time. The idea has grown into a giant global project... thanks to you. To get a sense of the scale of ambition, please take a minute to watch this beautiful trailer.
Here's the state of play:
- Out of thousands of submissions, we have assembled a fantastic line-up of films. There are about 20 in total, ranging in length from 2 to 15 minutes (most of them around 5). They all tell powerful stories, often without language, of what it is to be human. They are, by turns, funny, touching, dramatic, inspiring.
- But you won't just be watching films. You'll be watching the world watching. We're bringing in live audience images from around the world. Watching a film about reconciliation is one thing. Watching it while simultaneously witnessing the reactions of people who are supposed to hate each other will be something else altogether.
- The day also features a dozen powerful three-minute talks from scientists, film-makers, story-tellers and global visionaries. Just as a session at TED takes us on a journey stimulating every part of our brains, so will Pangea Day. Don't dismiss it as a warm & fuzzy peace-fest. The project builds on the latest ideas in anthropology, psychology and technology. We'll be revealing how.
- The whole program is being broadcast in front of a live audience of 1,000 (from more than 50 countries) at a spectacular set being built at a Sony Studios soundstage in Los Angeles.
- It will look and feel like nothing you've seen before. "
To get high quality cooked chips, following some important ponits:
2 Small red chili
3 ounces red tomato
1 ounce shallot
1 Tbs shrimp paste
1 ounce cooking oil
1 Tbs white sugar
1/2 tsp salt
Cooking method/preperation:
250 gm Medium Prawn, peeled
1 head Chinese Cabagge, cut 1" cross-wise
100 gm carrot, peeled and cut into juliene
50 gm Green Onion, Cut into juliene
1 Tbs Garlic, Chopped
1/2 Onion, sliced
1 Tbs Cooking Oil
1 Oyster Sauce
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Cooking Method/preparation:
Cooking method/preparation:
6 oz Penne Pasta
1 oz Stuffed Black Olives, drained and halves
1 oz Stuffed Green Olives, drained and halves
� cup Shredded Mixed Cheese
1 Tbs Bacon Bits
2 oz Mayonnaise
1 Tbs Chopped Green Onions
� tsp Ground Black Pepper
Few drop of Lemon Juice
Cooking Method/Preparation:
We Know tha Nokia E90 is one of the most expensive Nokia phones. But if it's not expensive enough for you, Peter Aloisson have a "great" choice for you. It's still a Nokia E90, but equipped with solid 18 carat white gold. Encrusted with a total of 408 perfectly handset diamonds. Here details:
Diamond weight: 9.86 cts
Diamond quality: VVSI � IF (LC)
Colour of diamonds: F
Price: EUR 52,000.00
Prices are net prices, exclusive of VAT (20%) or any other applicable customs or duty. Cost for transportation and insurance is not included.
Well, Shame about the price! I dont mind to have it if price different with the "normal price" is $100. hehehe
But have to admit, if you HAD the money, you would probably have a different oppinion. but since you dont, well, you have an oppinion!
We have received a few inquiries regarding the judges who will be evaluating entries to the Android Developer Challenge (ADC). All Entries will be judged by a panel of experts in the fields of mobile devices, cellular telecommunications, software development, and/or technology innovation ("Judges"). Google will select the Judges from the member organizations of the Open Handset Alliance, Google and/or mobile experts.
As a reminder, the deadline for the Android Developer Challenge is April 14, 2008. We're really looking forward to seeing what you've created so make sure you submit in time. Good luck!
The Android Developer Challenge deadline is approaching quickly. Wow, that's strange to me. On one hand, we've come so far that the first announcement back on November 12 seems like a prior geologic era, but on the other hand it seems like the Challenge just started! But it's been five months, so it's time to finish your code, polish your UI, and submit your application. Remember to submit by midnight on April 14th, PST (GMT-8).
But after the Challenge, what's next? Well, on the 28th and 29th of May we have Google I/O. This is the biggest Google developer event of the year, and you can bet that the Androids will be there in numbers.
Here are the sessions we've prepared on Android.
Besides the technical sessions, there will be a Fireside Chat with as many members of the Android team as we can rustle up, and an Android section in the demo and coding area. (Personally, I'm looking forward to that the most: it's shaping up to be a code festival of mammoth proportions.) If you need a break from Android, there are also tons of sessions on other developer technologies from Google, too.
We intend this to be the premier developer event for Android, this year. If you only go to one Android event, we humbly suggest that you consider this one. Early-bird registration ends TODAY (April 4th), so be sure to sign up soon.
I'll see you there!
As some of you may have heard, Wireless Week has chosen the Open Handset Alliance and Android for its Emerging Technology Award, noting that "Android's potential promises openness and innovation, perhaps changing not only the mobile Internet but the Internet itself."
2lbs chicken bone, wash and clean
5oz onion, sliced
3oz carrots, sliced
2oz celery, roughly chopped
2oz leek, 1�� cut
5ea.bay leaves
1/2oz parsley
10ea. peppercorn
1gal cold water
Cooking method/preparation:
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